Family Dinners Could Make This the Best School Year Yet
September 3, 2014
Back to school means new schedule, new classroom, new shoes; why not new traditions? Start the school year off right with weekly family dinners. Studies find that sharing dinner together can help kids perform better in school and handle tough situations more effectively.
Here are 6 tips to start your family dinner tradition:
1. When the Time is Right
Dinner together every night may not be feasible. Find one weeknight that makes sense with everyone’s schedules and start there. Once you realize how fun and beneficial it is, you’ll naturally make time to do it more often.
2. Let Dinner Cook Itself
Crock Pot recipes can cook while you’re at work. Dinner will be ready and waiting right when you get home. Add a little salad and some bread and you’re all set. Check out some awesome Crock Pot recipes here: http://www.foodnetwork.com/topics/slow-cooker.html (Or, you could always order pizza!)
3. Family Dinner Doesn’t Have to be at Home
The most important part of family dinner is the chance to sit down, without distractions and talk to your kids. You can go out to eat or bring dinner home.
4. Family Dinner Should Be a Group Effort
Ask your kids to help set and clear the table. Have them help with the dishes. Let them help pick the restaurant. This participation encourages kids to take responsibility and helps them feel like important contributors to the family. Plus, it makes more time for you to talk and play!
5. Make the Most of It
Family dinner is the time to discuss important issues. Ask your kids about their thoughts and tell stories from your own childhood. Discuss challenges and successes. But remember to keep it lighthearted.
6. Get Creative
Have an indoor picnic in the living room or make a themed meal (like a Mexican Fiesta where you practice your Spanish vocab!) Find themed-meal ideas on www.pinterest.com
Aurelio’s® is proud to be the gathering place of choice for families for more than 50 years. We’ve worked hard to keep our family strong and connected and we want to help you do the same. We know you’re busy—so you do the talking and leave the cooking to us.
Stop in to your Aurelio’s® for an afterschool treat and ask your kids about their day. Find the Aurelio’s® closest to you: https://aureliospizza.com/locations.php
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